The International Law Association (Australian Branch) is pleased to announce its second in a series of online lunch-time panels showcasing the work of early career international lawyers.
This event follows the first panel on “Intersections of International Environmental Law with National Jurisdictions” featuring speakers Carina Bury of Universität Hamburg and Millicent McCreath of UNSW Law & Justice, chair Justice Nicola Pain of the Land and Environment Court of New South Wales, and commentator Dr Emma Carmody of the Environmental Defenders Office and Legal Advisor to the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands on 22 July 2021. A recording will be made available of this session.
This second panel is focused on “Armed Conflict, Technology and Human Rights” and features speakers Aneta Paretko of the University of Melbourne speaking on ‘A Human Rights Framework for Dealing with the Female Foreign Fighters of Islamic State’ and Helen Stamp of the University of Western Australia presenting on ‘Meaningful Assessments of Liability for Incidents involving Autonomous Weapons Systems: Informing Traditional Legal Forums through the Use of Algorithmic Accountability’. The event will be chaired by Molly Thomas of the International Criminal Court and the ILA Reporter and will feature commentator Dr Simon McKenzie of the University of Queensland. The panel will be held online on Thursday 26 August 2021 from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm AEST. Registration is free and through Eventbrite.
Future panels (with further details to be circulated) include ‘International Criminal Law: Practitioner Perspectives’ (September 16) and ‘International Investment Law’ (October). A flyer is included below.