The Asian Law Centre at the Melbourne Law School is holding a seminar on 29 October 2015 on the recent China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (more details available here). The subject of the seminar is the effect of the free trade agreement on legal services between China and Australia and how these developments fit into a regional context.
The seminar is being hosted at King & Wood Mallesons and features a number of speakers from across the legal spectrum:
- Dene Yeaman from DFAT, who was the lead negotiator on Services;
- Andrew Godwin from Melbourne Law School;
- Arjuna Nadaraja from the Law Council of Australia;
- David Olsson, from King & Wood Mallesons; and
- Molina Asthana from VGSO, who is also the president of the ILA Australia’s Victorian branch.
For readers interested in the effects of free trade agreements on the legal industry and trade of legal services, Molina Asthana has previously published an article at the ILA Reporter on this topic.